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How do I access my tickets in the SEE Digital Tickets Wallet app?

You can download the app from your phone's app store or these links: iOS /Android


You must present your See digital tickets on your phone in order to gain entry to the event.


Within the app you log into your See account, and once logged in you can view your ticket. As an example, if you buy4 tickets there will be 4 different QR codes and you just need to swipe across so each one can be scanned.


There is a moving banner so tickets cannot be screenshotted. Digital tickets will be available anytime up to one week prior to the event date. Please allow this time frame before getting in touch with us.


If you have any questions regarding your tickets, please contact us by managing your order and fill out the customer service contact form.


If you are unable to see your entrance information on the app, you may be using the old version, please update the app in the app store.


Click here for more information about the See Tickets wallet app